Hi, I noticed that on a switch, if I tap the last item that was selected, it won't re-execute the script. Any way to change this behavior?
Oops, just realized i can do set('this',0) at the end of the script
Hi, I noticed that on a switch, if I tap the last item that was selected, it won't re-execute the script. Any way to change this behavior?
Oops, just realized i can do set('this',0) at the end of the script
Hi @datalooper Where exactly did you put set('this',0)? I tried in the myCustomModule.js and also in the .json in the onValue.
oscOutFilter: function (data) {
// Filter outgoing osc messages
var { address, args, host, port, clientId } = data;
// same as oscInFilter
// return data if you want the message to be sent
return data;
var channel = 16
var velocity = 127
var note = value
send('midi:Logic', '/note', channel, note, 127)
send('midi:Logic', '/note', channel, note, 0)
@jean-emmanuel, would this still work in v1.25.5?
Cracked it! This onValue adds the ability to re-trigger the switch. Also, I set value to -1 so the first switch doesn't start out active.
// switch's onValue property
// since the message is sent here we could set bypass to true
// to prevent sending the default messages based on
// address, preArgs and target
var channel = 16
var velocity = 127
var note = value
var cc = 110
send('midi:Logic', '/note', channel, note, 127)
send('midi:Logic', '/note', channel, note, 0)
send('midi:Logic', '/control', channel, cc, value)
//enable multiple taps
setTimeout(reset, 1000)
function reset() {
set("this", -1, {send:false})