How can I setup a button that toggles and outputs 1 or 0 to an osc target when it receives a specific noteOn midi message?
Widgets can't send message in reply to incoming messages, you'll need to write a custom module to do that, this example should help.
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I'll look into it, thanks!
hi everyone,
be indulgent it's my first try with custom modules
si i propose that
module.exports = {
init: function()
console.log("Youpi init") // this will be executed once when the osc server starts
// Filter incoming osc messages
var {address, args, host, port} = data
// do what you want
// address = string
// args = array of {value, type} objects
// host = string
// port = integer
console.log("inside oscOutFilter")
if (host === 'midi') {
console.log(" midi détecté via la valeur de host !")
console.log('adresse du message : ' + address)
// on teste si c'est un message midi /note via la variable address
// comparaison avec l'opérateur ===
if(address === '/note'){
// on dispatche les valeurs de args dans tes variables différentes
// assign args to variables
var [channel, ctrl, value] =>arg.value)
// simple condition
// on my apc i press the button sending /note 1, 32, 127
// when released sending /note 1, 32, 0
if (ctrl === 32)
// receive('/button_1', value / 127)
receive('/SET', 'button_1', value / 127)
else console.log('autre touche')
return // bypass original message
// return data if you want the message to be processed
return {address, args, host, port}
It will send an osc message /somewhere with value 1 when a push button is pressed on my apckey25 (Akai). This button is sending a /note 1, 32, 127 when pressed.
But i don't know how to keep the toggle button keep working...
I get also an error
(DEBUG, OSC) In: { address: '/SET', args: [ 'button_1', 1 ] } From: undefined:undefined
(DEBUG, OSC) Out: { address: '/somewhere', args: [ { type: 'f', value: 1 } ] } To:
as you see a true newbie issue
So there are the files :
first-custom-module.js (2.7 KB)
session-wip.json (1.9 KB)