Empty launcher on Linux/RPI5/Node.js


Being currently unable to get the touches into O-S-C in macOS, I am back to the RPI 5. I have managed to install Node.js (following this tutorial). I have checked and it's functioning. Then I go to the O-S-C/launcher subfolder. If I click on the index.htm, I have the top bar of the launcher opening, but otherwise it's empty and clicking on the run button doesn't start anything. What's wrong?

That's not how it's supposed to run, please read Running with node - Open Stage Control. When running with node the launcher is not used, options must be specified directly from the command line terminal.

Ah, all right. But why is there a "launcher" subfolder, then? Also, two questions as a relative newcomer to Linux:

  1. Can I rename O-S-C to avoid typing the version number every time I want to launch it?
  2. In which subfolder is it recommended to place apps? In /bin?

Hmm good point, I guess that's just me forgetting to clean the node release archive ;).

Yes the folder name doesn't matter as long as the folder structure inside it is preserved.

Well maybe something like ~/.local/lib/would be a suitable place. Then you could create a simple launcher in ~/.local/bin/ if you want to make it available as a terminal command anywhere:

# create executable file
echo -e "#!/bin/node\nrequire('~/.local/lib/open-stage-control-node')"> ~/.local/bin/open-stage-control
# make it executable
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/open-stage-control
# now open-stage-control cmd should be available
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Two additional questions:

  1. Does the Node version include the editor?
  2. Is it possible to make a run test of the Node version without any preexisting session?
  1. Yes it does, here are the key differences when using the node version
  • no built-in client (one must use a compatible browser to access the client interface via the url printed in the console when the server starts)
  • no launcher interface
  • no built-in midi support (see MIDI configuration - Open Stage Control under "Other systems / Node")
  1. Yes, the --load option is optional, as when using the launcher.
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Yet another question:is it possible to get rid of the toolbar of the client with Node to have a real fullscreen experience?

You mean the 3 dots menu ? Enable the hideMenu property in the root widget.

No, I mean that as with Node there's no built-in client but one has to use a browser for instance, how to get rid of the address bar and all the non-O-S-C stuff?

It seems the F11 / Fullscreen command works with a browser window as cilent (at least with Chromium). Yipee.

There was a --kiosk mode in chromium for this too, but I don't know if it's still working.