Dropdown Label %key Not Displaying When OSC Sync'd

I have a dropdown sending values to a widget in Gig Performer. The GP widget also sends OSC back to OpenStageControl so that the control surface is sync'd when I change patches.

However, when the dropdown receives OSC data, it clears the %key label. Therefore, I am unable to see the dropdown setting unless I disconnect the OSC two-way connection.

Any suggestions for a workaround?

When it happens to me, instead of using the OSC parameters I go to scripting -> onValue -> send('/oscmessage ', ...)

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It looks like GP sends a feedback message the dropdown can't use, you could do as zoltan pointed out (use scripting to send the message and empty the osc properties to ignore the feedback) or filter out these feedback messages using a custom module:

module.exports = {
  oscInFilter: (data)=>{

    if (data.address === '/dropdown_address') return

    return data
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Thank you for your replies. I was able to solve the disappearing selections by breaking my connection and having GP send OSC messages only when changing patches instead of in a constant stream.

However, I noticed a peculiarity. I created a separate knob to send values to the dropdown, thinking I could isolate the dropdown from OSC. When I type the desired value in the knob's value property, the dropdown selects the correct menu item and it is displayed. However, when I send the exact same OSC value to this same knob, the knob changes to the correct value, however the dropdown goes blank. It DOES work on the values 0, 0.5, and 1.

Any suggestions on syncing the dropdown menu with my GP patches?

Here is my test .json.

DropdownTest.json (5.2 KB)

For posterity, I opened a new thread that more accurately describes the problems I'm trying to solve. Thanks always for your help!