Change ctrl W shortcut suggestion

This is minor, but many times I mistype Crl+w instead ctrl+e, closing the UI. Would not be better to choose another shortcut other that W? Specially when we just open the doc, we first try to edit it and it will close immediately if we use W.

IFAIK ctrl + w is a common shortcut for closing a document / window, but I didn't think about qwerty layouts when I made these choices. Ideally shortcuts could be customized from a config file, I guess this would fix the problem.

In this case we have already a shortcut to close the document, that is alt+F4, a well known one. Ctrl+w is a duplication.
Ctrl+w is used when we can not close the document with alt+f4 without closing the host also, but this is not the case of Open Stage.
Ctrl+w is used for many functions depending of the program, for example is duplicate in Unreal. But alt+F4 is universally close, that makes more intuitive his use, specially when this already works in Open stage.
This is really minor but I have seen many people closing the session un intentionally when trying to edit.

That's true on windows but not on mac and on linux it depends on which window manager is used. The safest move might be to simply disable the shortcut on windows.

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In 1.8.8 ctrl+w will be disabled on windows.

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