Hello, I found this on the forum (to setup auto articulation names)
//set a variable for the midi port of your generic remote
var genericRemoteMIDIport = 'OSCMIDICONTROL'; //BASE MIDI PORT FOR showing all tracks in cubase
var midiPort_MCU_From_OSC = 'MCU_From_OSC' //this is the MCU port you've set up in cubase to send and recieve MCU messages
var midiPort_MCU_To_OSC = 'MCU_To_OSC' //this is the MCU port you've set up in cubase to send and recieve MCU messages//MIDI PORTS FOR FUNCTIONS FROM OSC
send('midi', midiPort_MCU_From_OSC, '/note', 1, 44, 127); //Send MCU command to swicth to track name sending
module.exports = {
oscInFilter: function (data) { // this filters data from Cubase or midi device into OSC console.log('MIDI message recieved into OSC from Cubase') var { address, args, host, port } = data mcuToOsc(host, port, address, args) return { address, args, host, port } }, oscOutFilter: function (data) { // Filter incomming osc messages from OSC and gets them out to Cubase var { address, args, host, port } = data if (address == '/testAddress') { console.log('You have sent a message to custom module from OSC') } return data //End of OSC out Filter here }
//These are your functions that do the work in JS
function mcuToOsc(host, port, address, args) {
if (host !== 'midi' || port !== midiPort_MCU_To_OSC) return// SYSEX if (address === '/sysex') { console.log('You have successfully sent sysex into your custom module') }
I have an error when I start the server :