Buttons "+" & "-" to switch between knob steps.... I need syntax

Hi !

I have set a 12 keys keyboard's widget, sending notes. I use a knob to change octaves.
This knob has 11 steps : [ 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 86, 98, 110, 122]

I'd like now, for learning purpose, to have two buttons :

  • one to make the knob go to its next step,
  • one to make it go to its previous step.

Trying and trying... i finally found this : #{@{knob.steps}[2]} to get the value of one particular step, so now i have an idea of what this index thing is about... With this, my idea until now was to use a variable that would be incremented or decremented, using those buttons, to define the index's value...

But... i feel lost... i don't have the syntax...

So... any help appreciated :wink:

I think the essence of your idea is to add or subtract 12 to the keyboard start note, right?
I came up with a different solution, without the knob, but using a variable and two buttons.

I hope it helps.
octave-buttons.json (5.3 KB)

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Thank you @ClelsonLopes ! It does help :wink: Just one thing : i don't understand what is const start... i understand that it gets the keyboard-start value, but what is it ? a function ?

Now, the other approach remains unsolved : is it possible to "navigate" through knob's indexes, using buttons ? For example if my steps would have been [0,1,6,52,278,369]... steps whitout any mathematical relation... Just for learning purpose... :slight_smile:

In short, const, let and var are javascript keywords to assign and/or initialize a variable.

About index increment or decrement, yeah, it's possible to do. You need the index to be a variable, and the syntax would be something like this:

const steps = [0,1,6,52,278,369]
const currentIndex = 0

//increases index and gets the corresponding step value
const addIndex = steps[currentIndex + 1]

You can check how it works in OSC with this updated version, now including the knob:
octave-buttons&knob.json (7.0 KB)


Thank you very very much ! That makes a lot of informations ! Three lines in your code, three days to really get it for me :smiley: I'm on it, now !

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Cool... finally, less than three days to get it almost clear in my head... :smiley:

I'd like the knob to show kind of "step labels", instead of numeric values.
Where 0,12,24... would become C-2, C-1, C0.... I guess it has something to do with %key, but here again, i'm stuck.. i tried a few things... but i am too confused with " ", ' ', { }, ( ), [ ]...

Thanks for all

Use this syntax inside the knob range:

  "0%": { "C-2": 0 },
  "10%": { "C-1": 12 },
  "20%": { "C0": 24 },
  "30%": { "C1": 36 },
  "40%": { "C2": 48 },
  "50%": { "C3": 60 },
  "60%": { "C4": 72 },
  "70%": { "C5": 84 },
  "80%": { "C6": 96 },
  "90%": { "C7": 108 },
  "100%": { "C8": 120 }

Well done! :slight_smile:

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