Matrix, few knobs, change their midi CC with a button



Here are the props of my knob's matrix.
I have 8 knobs, sending midi CC 16 to 23.

Now, i'd like them to send midi CC 70 to 77, when a button is toggled.

Am i wrong, thinking that's it's not possible to define a variable instead of the "16" value in the props "preArgs": "[1,#{16+$}]", ?? Nor using syntax like a =...? b : c in the props field ?...

What's the solution ?


"preArgs": "#{@{button_id} ? 16 + $ : 70 + $}"

should work

Yeaaah... that's it... "preArgs": "[1,#{@{QC_VST_Pistes} ? 70 + $ : 16 + $}]" works like a charm... finally, i wasn't too far...

Thank you, jean-emmanuel !

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