Buttons matrix behave like a switch?

You can’t do that with css, css is only for aesthetic changes. I’ve given everything needed to make it work using scripting in my previous messages, can you be more specific about what you tried to help me figure what you missed ?

i will make this more precise...

i have a matrix of buttons

JS {{
var props = {}
var xxx = @{zz.xxxx} // raw selection seldom triggered
labels = OSC{zzzz,'',true};
props.mode = "tap"
props.label = labels[$]
props.script = "if (value) set('xxxx/*',0)"
return props

in the custom module i have a request to the addy (before it was sent by xxx/0 xxxx/1 -> the number is the desired value to do program changes )
-> now i have to request args[0].value as selector too (eg. xx/8 && args[0].value must be 8)

this is sending up to 48 request as opposed to 1 before -> hence the question for css

can i avoid the 48 sends here? (not sure if will affect performance)


this is sending up to 48 request as opposed to 1 before

I don't understand, what do you mean by "sending a request" exactly ?

with this script it is sending out an osc message for every button. in the custom module i must catch the pressed one (and only this one). that is easy, but i was wondering if it is possible to avoid sending out the unwanted…

You can write this to avoid messages from being sent when the script runs:

if (value) set('matrix_id/*', 0, {send: false})
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