AJAX request with JS{{}} script?


I tried to make an AJAX / http request using the following lines in a script node and got the associated errors in the devtools console:

var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

widget.js:629 script_1.script: JS{{}} error:
TypeError: XMLHttpRequest is not a constructor at line 2

var xhttp = require("xmlhttprequest").XMLHttpRequest;

widget.js:629 script_1.script: JS{{}} error:
ReferenceError: require is not defined at line 2

Is it possible ?

Thank you

Ajax is not allowed in this context, it’s not possible.

Ah dommage :confused: Is there any other way to send some hardcoded HTTP GET request after clicking a button? I would like to do something like this : (https://wiki.videolan.org/VLC_HTTP_requests/)

With an iframe it’s possible to make it work, try the attached session file : iframe_get.json (1.7 KB)

XMLHttpRequest are disabled in scripts for security reasons, but allowing them for simple local-only requests could be nice. I’ll dig the possibility of adding a http_get function to the script’s context.

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This is great. Thanks a lot for the session file Jean-Emmanuel !

httpGet is available in scripts as of v0.48.2 ! (see docs)

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Damn you’re fast ! Thank you ++ !