Thank you. Do you have a rough estimation of how much faster it will become when the update is ready? It may be worth the wait and make current lag times acceptable with the prospect of future improvements.
In the meanwhile I may try and get acquainted with custom modules, which wil probably take quite a while (and require some help now and then).
Is using /EDIT really faster than using OSC listeners? Using /EDIT seems not very fast either:
- "Warning - Editing widgets is cpu expensive; for small and recurrent changes, consider using osc listeners instead." (source: manual)
- "Using /EDIT is way too slow and slows everything up dramatically while it works through." (source)
I have to update about 500 parameters each time when switching banks. Is that considered a large amount and is that why /EDIT is prefered over OSC listeners? And more important: will either of them nevertheless speed up my template considerably despite the cpu-expensiveness? (and so is that alone already worth the time investment learning custom modules? )