XY Point Color customization

Is it possible to set a different color to point in a XY widgets.
And more generally is it possible to custom the XY widgets (circle instead of square)
Probably not ... but had to ask :slight_smile:

@Greenman you post an answer and delete it
I wish to know how do you access to the source css as you did :


I deleted my post as it didn't answer your question.
To see what css class is involved in a widget, use the development tools f12 and point on the widget you want to learn more about.
Then you can explore the css properties and play with them to see how they affect the widget.
But for your primary question, i can't find how to change the color. So maybe it's about js there or I just understand how the css for that works.
Note that my screenshot is about the scss sources.

You can't change the dot's color without changing the widget's color. You can't change the dot's appearance either.

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thank you for yours answers