I'd like these two "for" loops to be executed one after the other (i.e. in this order).
The second loop has a different id (y)... Shouldn't it work?
for (var i=0; i < 100; i++) {
setTimeout(i, function(){
// do first thing
}, i * 5)
for (var y=0; y < 444; y++) {
setTimeout(y, function(){
// do second thing
}, y * 2)
},i+100) // second loop is delayed i + 100 ms
},10) // first loop is delayed 10 ms
You missed the second reason exposed in my answer to your previous post : [widget script property] "for" loop delay - #2 by jean-emmanuel
Edit: wait, ok the inner setTimeout do have ids sorry. You still need to add the total time of loop i to loop y's timeout otherwise loops i and y will run concurrently.
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So the second loop shouldn't be delayed i + 100 ms
It should be delayed i * 5 + 100 ms
I thought i
gets a new value with each iteration. My bad. I hate javascript already.
Corrected code
// 1st FOR loop (i)
for (var i=0; i < 100; i++) {
setTimeout(i, function(){
// do first thing
}, i * 5)
// 2nd FOR loop (y)
for (var y=0; y < 444; y++) {
setTimeout(y, function(){
// do second thing
}, y * 2)
},i * 5 + 100)