Trigger button press from custom module?

I want to be able to simulate an arbitrary button press from a custom module. For example, if I press /button_2, whose “on” value is “/button_1”, I want to be able to then simulate pressing /button_1 (i.e. sending its “on” value like pressing it, without knowing its underlying "on" value). Is this possible? If so, it seems like I should use one of the “remote control” addresses?

I think this is it:

receive('localhost', 8080, '/GET/#', 'localhost:8080', 'button_1', { clientId })

But now the hangup is that I want /button_1 to get pressed BEFORE /button_2...which I can't think of a way to do...


have you read the doc Examples - Open Stage Control ?
Personaly i don't see what you want to do :slight_smile:

This should do

receive('/SCRIPT', `set('button_1', getProp('button_1', 'on'))`)

Whoa! I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but this was an epiphany when I saw it. Thanks!