Set value to -1 after updating Switch widget values

Hi! I'm trying to dynamically load values into a switch via OSC, but leave it unselected. It by default selects the first value after I update the widget. Is there any easy way to do this?

Here's some stuff I've tried...I know you don't watch the videos, but just in case...

Are you changing only the labels (object keys) but not the actual values in the object *? If the current value is found in the new set of values it stays selected. If you want to reset the value you can send -1 to the switch (or any other value that's not defined in values) along with the message that update the values.

*EDIT: seems not. It's not supposed to happen then, check out this minimal session:
switch.json (5.1 KB)
Are you confident no value is being sent to the switch ? Could that switch share the same id as another widget in the session and be sync'ed with it ?

Hmm i'll check that all out and let you know. Thank you so much!