Responsive to screen size


for some training I was looking to a way to display the size of the screen inside a text widget.
So I set a script widget with :

let width = screen.width;
let height = screen.height;

and wish to display the result inside my text widget, but I don't how to access it ?!

In the same way is was looking to squarify a widget and center it based on the screen size, so in the css prop I set

width: 50vw;
height: 50vw;
margin: auto;

After sending some times in several forum and documentation, it's seems not so simple.
Or maybe I'm not looking in the right direction



You could call set() to modify the text's value:

set('text_id', `width: ${width}px, height: ${height}px`)

In the same way is was looking to squarify a widget and center it:

Something like this maybe

width: 50vw;
height: 50vw;
top: calc(50% - 25vw);
left: calc(50% - 25vw);

Or using vertical+horizontal layout: center.json (3.3 KB)

Set is displaying the text but not the value.

Screen_Size.json (6.8 KB)

Is it better practice to use ${} or ' + + ' ?

Use globals.screen.width instead of screen.width and it should work.

ok this value need to be store in the globals to be access externally ?

No it's just that the browser's global screen variable is not accessible as you could think because user scripts run in a (kind of) isolated context where there is no screen informations available, and o-s-c exposes these informations through the globals variable (Scripting - Open Stage Control).

Ok I get it !