Overflow for long content in html property?


Trying to get the whole content of a long paragraph. First why the text doesn't adjust itself even when there is enough vertical space for ?

But the horizontal scrolling bar doesn't work.



That's just how html/css works. (wrap lines css at DuckDuckGo)

But the horizontal scrolling bar doesn't work.

Events are ignored by default on inserted html, this will restore them:

.html {

Thanks for your answer !
But the default behaviour is to adjust the content in height. So the content should go back to a new line when a space is there.

Yes you're right, there's a white-space:nowrap; defined globally in the app's css.

Bonsoir, bonsoir

So i add this to the app's css.


and now text indicator accepts long text without problem.

Do you intend to change this parameter into the next version ?