I wrote a script a whilst back that auto-installs the latest OSC update. I thought I'd clean it up a little (didn't really debloat it though, apologies), and share it if anyone else was interested.
This uses AHK (sorry mac), but perhaps in future, I can simply just incorporate using JS in the custom module and/or a python script for cross-platform.
Warning, this will write over the current OSC install. Meaning, if you modify any files within OSC install directory this will write it over everything.
The script does the following:
- Has to be ran as admin to write/create directories, and unzip the latest OSC download
- Checks the settings.ini first for a valid directory path, if not asks for one than creates it.
- Checks for latest version using api.github latest releases
- Checks if you already have the latest version by using the specified settings path
- Shows the latest version and changelog if any, and ask if you'd like to install.
- Downloads, copies file to settings path, unzips, and runs OSC.
Here is a link to the repo. Feel free to adapt to your own needs. Just wanted to share!
Example image of popup:
Here is the AHK code, but there are a couple includes I use and a settings.ini file to read from. The main one needed is a JSON library such as JXON or cJson. The other one is just a pretty notify popup I use from time to time.
; v1.3.12
#Requires Autohotkey v1.1.33+
#SingleInstance, Force ; Limit one running version of this script
SetBatchlines -1 ; run at maximum CPU utilization
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Includes\Jxon.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\Includes\Notify.ahk
; --------------------------------------
global userOSCPath := checkUserOSCPath(oscPath)
global notificationSettings := {Title: ""
, Font: "Sans Serif"
, TitleFont: "Sans Serif"
, Icon: A_ScriptDir "\assets\logo.png"
, Animate: "Right, Slide"
, ShowDelay: 100
, IconSize: 64
, TitleSize: 14
, Size: 20
, Radius: 26
, Time: 999999
, Background: "0x2C323A"
, Color: "0xD8DFE9"
, TitleColor: "0xD8DFE9"}
currVersion := checkForCurrentVersion(userOSCPath)
Endpoint := "https://api.github.com/repos/jean-emmanuel/open-stage-control/releases/latest"
req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
req.Open("GET", Endpoint, true)
if (req.status != 200)
errorTryAgain("ERROR", "There was an error with the request. Please try again later. `nError: " req.status)
res := req.ResponseBody
assets := JXON_Load(BinArr_ToString(res))
changelog := assets.body
latestVersion := SubStr(assets.tag_name, 2)
updateType := (changelog ~= "i)midi" | changelog ~= "i)electron") ? "major" : "minor"
if (currVersion == latestVersion) {
installBetaOrPrev := upToDate(currVersion)
if (installBetaOrPrev == false)
Endpoint := "https://api.github.com/repos/jean-emmanuel/open-stage-control/releases"
req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
req.Open("GET", Endpoint, true)
if (req.status != 200)
errorTryAgain("ERROR", "There was an error with the request. Please try again later. `nError: " req.status)
res := req.ResponseBody
assets := JXON_Load(BinArr_ToString(res))
assets := (installBetaOrPrev == "previous") ? assets[getPreviousVersions(assets)] : assets.1
changelog := assets.body
latestVersion := SubStr(assets.tag_name, 2)
updateType := "major"
if (!FileExist(oscPath "\open-stage-control.exe"))
updateType := "major"
fileRegex := updateType == "major" ? "i)win32-x64.zip" : "i)node.zip"
Loop % assets.assets.Length() {
if (assets.assets[A_Index].name ~= fileRegex) {
latestVersion := assets.assets[A_Index].name
latestVersionURL := assets.assets[A_Index].browser_download_url
if (!latestVersion)
errorTryAgain("ERROR", "couldn't find OSC latest version for Windows")
MsgBox 0x41, OSC Installing New Version, % latestVersion ": was found`, would you like to install it?`nChanges Included:`n`n" changelog
IfMsgBox OK, {
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
notificationSettings.title := "found latest version"
Notify().AddWindow("downloading update now...", notificationSettings)
UrlDownloadToFile, % latestVersionURL, % A_ScriptDir "/" latestVersion
if WinExist("ahk_exe open-stage-control.exe") ; Close OSC before installing new version
WinClose, % "ahk_exe open-stage-control.exe"
OSC_Zip := A_ScriptDir "\" latestVersion
OSC_Folder := updateType == "minor" ? userOSCPath "\resources\app" : userOSCPath
SplitPath, OSC_Zip, vName, vDir, vEXT, vNNE, vDrive
if (vEXT != "zip")
errorTryAgain("ERROR", "There was an error with the downloading the update. Please try again later.")
FileDelete, % OSC_Folder "\*.*"
Loop, Files, % OSC_Folder "\*.*", D
Path := OSC_Folder "\" A_LoopFileName
if (Path != OSC_Folder "\_Archive") {
FileRemoveDir, % Path, 1
FileMove, % OSC_Zip, % OSC_Folder "\*.*", 1
OSC_Zip_New := OSC_Folder . "\" . vName
Sleep, 10
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Unzip(OSC_Zip_New, OSC_Folder)
Sleep, 1000 ; Wait for unzip to finish
SplitPath, OSC_Zip_New, vvName, vAppDir, vvEXT, vvNNE, vvDrive
OSC_Unzip := vAppDir . "\" . vvNNE
SplitPath, OSC_Folder,,vResourcesDir
destPath := updateType == "major" ? vResourcesDir . "\Open Stage Control" : vResourcesDir "\app"
Loop, Files, % OSC_Unzip "\*.*", F
FileMove, % A_LoopFileFullPath, % destPath, 1
Loop, Files, % OSC_Unzip "\*.*", RD
FileMoveDir, % A_LoopFileFullPath, % destPath, 1
FileGetSize, fileSize, % OSC_Unzip
If (fileSize = 0)
FileRemoveDir, % OSC_Unzip
If (!FileExist(OSC_Unzip))
FileDelete, % OSC_Zip_New
notificationSettings.title := vName
Notify().AddWindow("has been Installed", notificationSettings)
Run, % userOSCPath . "\open-stage-control.exe"
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
Sleep, 2500 ; Give enough time for script to finish before exiting
checkForCurrentVersion(userOSCPath) {
packageJSONPath := userOSCPath "\resources\app\package.json"
if (!FileExist(packageJSONPath)) {
currVersion := FileGetInfo(userOSCPath "\open-stage-control.exe").FileVersion
}else {
FileRead, packageJSON, % packageJSONPath
packageJSON := JXON_Load(packageJSON)
currVersion := packageJSON.version
return currVersion
getPreviousVersions(assets) {
prevVersions := []
for i,asset in assets
return installPreviousVersion(prevVersions)
installPreviousVersion(prevVersions) {
Instruction := "Select which to install:"
Content := "in 30 seconds will default to the latest previous."
Title := "Install Previous Version"
MainIcon := 0xFFFD
Flags := 0x818
CustomButtons := []
CustomButtons.Push([101, prevVersions.2])
CustomButtons.Push([102, prevVersions.3])
CustomButtons.Push([103, prevVersions.4])
cButtons := CustomButtons.Length()
VarSetCapacity(pButtons, 4 * cButtons + A_PtrSize * cButtons, 0)
Loop %cButtons% {
iButtonID := CustomButtons[A_Index][1]
iButtonText := &(b%A_Index% := CustomButtons[A_Index][2])
NumPut(iButtonID, pButtons, (4 + A_PtrSize) * (A_Index - 1), "Int")
NumPut(iButtonText, pButtons, (4 + A_PtrSize) * A_Index - A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
DefaultButton := 101
ipv_Callback := RegisterCallback("ipv_Callback", "Fast")
CBData := {}
CBData.Timeout := 30000 ; ms
x64 := A_PtrSize == 8
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(TDC, x64 ? 160 : 96, 0), TDC, 0, "UInt") ; cbSize
NumPut(Flags, TDC, x64 ? 20 : 12, "Int") ; dwFlags
NumPut(&Title, TDC, x64 ? 28 : 20, "Ptr") ; pszWindowTitle
NumPut(MainIcon, TDC, x64 ? 36 : 24, "Ptr") ; pszMainIcon
NumPut(&Instruction, TDC, x64 ? 44 : 28, "Ptr") ; pszMainInstruction
NumPut(&Content, TDC, x64 ? 52 : 32, "Ptr") ; pszContent
NumPut(cButtons, TDC, x64 ? 60 : 36, "UInt") ; cButtons
NumPut(&pButtons, TDC, x64 ? 64 : 40, "Ptr") ; pButtons
NumPut(DefaultButton, TDC, x64 ? 72 : 44, "Int") ; nDefaultButton
NumPut(ipv_Callback, TDC, x64 ? 140 : 84, "Ptr") ; pfCallback
NumPut(&CBData, TDC, x64 ? 148 : 88, "Ptr") ; lpCallbackData
DllCall("Comctl32.dll\TaskDialogIndirect", "Ptr", &TDC
, "Int*", Button := 0
, "Int*", Radio := 0
, "Int*", Checked := 0)
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalFree", "Ptr", ipv_Callback)
If (Button == 101 || Button == 2) { ; 1
return 2
} Else If (Button == 102) { ; 2
return 3
} Else If (Button == 103) { ; 3
return 4
ipv_Callback(hWnd, Notification, wParam, lParam, RefData) {
Local CBData := Object(RefData)
If (Notification == 4 && wParam > CBData.Timeout) {
PostMessage 0x466, 2, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd%
BinArr_ToString(BinArr, Encoding := "UTF-8") {
oADO := ComObjCreate("ADODB.Stream")
oADO.Type := 1 ; adTypeBinary
oADO.Mode := 3 ; adModeReadWrite
oADO.Position := 0
oADO.Type := 2 ; adTypeText
oADO.Charset := Encoding
return oADO.ReadText, oADO.Close
FileGetInfo(lptstrFilename) {
List := "Comments InternalName ProductName CompanyName LegalCopyright ProductVersion"
. " FileDescription LegalTrademarks PrivateBuild FileVersion OriginalFilename SpecialBuild"
dwLen := DllCall("Version.dll\GetFileVersionInfoSize", "Str", lptstrFilename, "Ptr", 0)
dwLen := VarSetCapacity( lpData, dwLen + A_PtrSize)
DllCall("Version.dll\GetFileVersionInfo", "Str", lptstrFilename, "UInt", 0, "UInt", dwLen, "Ptr", &lpData)
DllCall("Version.dll\VerQueryValue", "Ptr", &lpData, "Str", "\VarFileInfo\Translation", "PtrP", lplpBuffer, "PtrP", puLen )
sLangCP := Format("{:04X}{:04X}", NumGet(lplpBuffer+0, "UShort"), NumGet(lplpBuffer+2, "UShort"))
i := {}
Loop, Parse, % List, %A_Space%
DllCall("Version.dll\VerQueryValue", "Ptr", &lpData, "Str", "\StringFileInfo\" sLangCp "\" A_LoopField, "PtrP", lplpBuffer, "PtrP", puLen )
? i[A_LoopField] := StrGet(lplpBuffer, puLen) : ""
return i
updateSettingsIni() {
global userOSCPath
IniWrite, % userOSCPath, % A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini", settings, oscPath
checkUserOSCPath(byRef path) {
if (!FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini"))
IniWrite, % "", % A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini", settings, oscPath
IniRead, path, % A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini", settings, oscPath
pathExists := FileExist(path) == "D" ? true : false
if (!pathExists) {
MsgBox, 48, Error, OSC path not found. Please set a valid directory for your OSC install.
InputBox, path, Set OSC Directory, Set a valid OSC Directory for the install
If (ErrorLevel)
if (!FileExist(path))
FileCreateDir, % path
If (ErrorLevel) {
MsgBox, 48, Error, Could not create the path you listed, try to manually create the path and restart.
IniWrite, % path, % A_ScriptDir "\settings.ini", settings, oscPath
return path
Unzip(zipFullPath, outputDir) {
FileCreateDir, %outputDir%
psh := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application")
psh.Namespace( outputDir ).CopyHere( psh.Namespace( zipFullPath ).items, 4|16 )
UpToDate(version) {
Instruction := "You're currently up to date!"
Content := "Your current version is: " version
Title := "Checking for Updates"
MainIcon := 0xFFFD
Flags := 0x810
CustomButtons := []
CustomButtons.Push([101, "Check for Beta?"])
CustomButtons.Push([102, "Install Previous Version(s)?"])
CustomButtons.Push([103, "Exit"])
cButtons := CustomButtons.Length()
VarSetCapacity(pButtons, 4 * cButtons + A_PtrSize * cButtons, 0)
Loop %cButtons% {
iButtonID := CustomButtons[A_Index][1]
iButtonText := &(b%A_Index% := CustomButtons[A_Index][2])
NumPut(iButtonID, pButtons, (4 + A_PtrSize) * (A_Index - 1), "Int")
NumPut(iButtonText, pButtons, (4 + A_PtrSize) * A_Index - A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
DefaultButton := 103
TDCallback_UpToDate := RegisterCallback("TDCallback_UpToDate", "Fast")
CBData := {}
CBData.Timeout := 30000 ; ms
x64 := A_PtrSize == 8
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(TDC, x64 ? 160 : 96, 0), TDC, 0, "UInt") ; cbSize
NumPut(Flags, TDC, x64 ? 20 : 12, "Int") ; dwFlags
NumPut(&Title, TDC, x64 ? 28 : 20, "Ptr") ; pszWindowTitle
NumPut(MainIcon, TDC, x64 ? 36 : 24, "Ptr") ; pszMainIcon
NumPut(&Instruction, TDC, x64 ? 44 : 28, "Ptr") ; pszMainInstruction
NumPut(&Content, TDC, x64 ? 52 : 32, "Ptr") ; pszContent
NumPut(cButtons, TDC, x64 ? 60 : 36, "UInt") ; cButtons
NumPut(&pButtons, TDC, x64 ? 64 : 40, "Ptr") ; pButtons
NumPut(DefaultButton, TDC, x64 ? 72 : 44, "Int") ; nDefaultButton
NumPut(TDCallback_UpToDate, TDC, x64 ? 140 : 84, "Ptr") ; pfCallback
NumPut(&CBData, TDC, x64 ? 148 : 88, "Ptr") ; lpCallbackData
DllCall("Comctl32.dll\TaskDialogIndirect", "Ptr", &TDC
, "Int*", Button := 0
, "Int*", Radio := 0
, "Int*", Checked := 0)
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalFree", "Ptr", TDCallback_UpToDate)
If (Button == 101) { ; Check for Beta?
return "beta"
} Else If (Button == 102) { ; Install Previous Version(s)?
return "previous"
} Else If (Button == 103) { ; Exit
return false
} Else If (Button == 2) { ; Timeout
return false
TDCallback_UpToDate(hWnd, Notification, wParam, lParam, RefData) {
Local CBData := Object(RefData)
If (Notification == 4 && wParam > CBData.Timeout) {
PostMessage 0x466, 2, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd%
checkAdminStatus() {
if (!A_IsAdmin){ ;http://ahkscript.org/docs/Variables.htm#IsAdmin
Instruction := "Restarting App..."
Content := "You must run this script as an administrator"
Title := "NOT ADMIN"
MainIcon := 0xFFFC
Flags := 0xE00
Buttons := 0x20
TDCallback := RegisterCallback("TDCallback", "Fast")
CBData := {}
CBData.Marquee := True
CBData.Timeout := 3000 ; ms
x64 := A_PtrSize == 8
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(TDC, x64 ? 160 : 96, 0), TDC, 0, "UInt") ; cbSize
NumPut(Flags, TDC, x64 ? 20 : 12, "Int") ; dwFlags
NumPut(Buttons, TDC, x64 ? 24 : 16, "Int") ; dwCommonButtons
NumPut(&Title, TDC, x64 ? 28 : 20, "Ptr") ; pszWindowTitle
NumPut(MainIcon, TDC, x64 ? 36 : 24, "Ptr") ; pszMainIcon
NumPut(&Instruction, TDC, x64 ? 44 : 28, "Ptr") ; pszMainInstruction
NumPut(&Content, TDC, x64 ? 52 : 32, "Ptr") ; pszContent
NumPut(TDCallback, TDC, x64 ? 140 : 84, "Ptr") ; pfCallback
NumPut(&CBData, TDC, x64 ? 148 : 88, "Ptr") ; lpCallbackData
DllCall("Comctl32.dll\TaskDialogIndirect", "Ptr", &TDC
, "Int*", Button := 0
, "Int*", Radio := 0
, "Int*", Checked := 0)
DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalFree", "Ptr", TDCallback)
If (Button == 8) { ; Close
Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ; Requires v1.0.92.01+
} Else If (Button == 2) { ; Timeout
Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%",, UseErrorLevel ; Requires v1.0.92.01+
errorTryAgain(title, message) {
OnMessage(0x44, "OnReqStatusError")
MsgBox 0x11, ERROR, % "There was an error with the request. Please try again later. `nError: " status
OnMessage(0x44, "")
IfMsgBox OK, {
} Else IfMsgBox Cancel, {
OnReqStatusError() {
DetectHiddenWindows, On
Process, Exist
If (WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel)) {
ControlSetText Button1, Try Again
ControlSetText Button2, Exit
TDCallback(hWnd, Notification, wParam, lParam, RefData) {
Local CBData := Object(RefData)
If (Notification == 4 && wParam > CBData.Timeout) {
PostMessage 0x466, 2, 0,, ahk_id %hWnd%
If (Notification == 0 && CBData.Marquee) {
DllCall("PostMessage", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", 0x46B, "UInt", 1, "UInt", 50)