Regarding the dropdown's value, each one of my nine buttons may send a CC (nine consecutive numbers).
midiCh may be different from one dropdown's value to another.
Example :
dropdown's value 1 ("Aller au marqueur") --> midiCh 7; CC9 to CC17
dropdown's value 5 ("Zoom Boucle") --> midiCh 2 ; CC55 to CC63
How can i script this ? I think i can do it on a "one by one" base... if that == 1 and this == 1... but if there is a more efficient and time-saver way to do this, i'd like to know/learn what it could be !
The shortest way I can think of now: set each button's on property to its rank (1 to 9) mode to tap, and linkId to some_id. Create a script widget with the same linkId so that it receives the buttons' values and write something like this in its script:
var dropdownMap = {
1: {ch: 7, cc: 9},
5: {ch: 2, cc: 55},
// etc
var data = dropdownMap[get('dropdown_id')]
if (data) {
send('midi:port', '/control',, + value - 1, 127)