New keyboard widget value examples?


Would you @jean-emmanuel please give us an example to illustrate the new value possibilities in 1.21.1 ? sorry but i don't understand :frowning:
By the way, it would be great to have a mode in which the key pressed from an external keyboard will light on the key without testing the velocity value no ?

It's not a really a new feature, it's just a fix to allow linking two keyboards together, no actual new possibilities with the value property.

By the way, it would be great to have a mode in which the key pressed from an external keyboard will light on the key without testing the velocity value no ?

I'll try that.


the help for the value property indicates :

Type: array

Default: ""

Dynamic: true

The keyboard widget accepts the following values:

  • a [note, value] array to set the value of a single key
  • an array of values with one item per key in the keyboard

I don't understand these two lines :

  • a [note, value] array to set the value of a single key
  • an array of values with one item per key in the keyboard

They indicate what the widget is able to parse as incoming value.

  • a [note, value] array to set the value of a single key

Can be used with scripting for example:

set('keyboard_id', [48, 1]) // turn on note 48 (assuming on == 1)

  • an array of values with one item per key in the keyboard

That's how the keyboard stores the values of all its keys, and what you get when reading its own value.

Bonsoir @jean-emmanuel

Est-ce toujours d'actualité ?

C'est dans ma liste, mais je n'ai pas avancé dessus.

Pas de souci :smiley: