Modularizing My custom module Code

My custom module is becoming huge and quite unmanageable each time I want to do something new and was wondering if it is possible to modularise my custom module:

  1. Create a Directory Structure:
  • Create a directory for my custom module and any sub-modules.
  • Example structure:
├── index.js
├── chordUtils.js
├── noteUtils.js
└── oscHandlers.js
  1. Move Related Functions to Separate Files:
  • chordUtils.js: Functions related to chords.
  • noteUtils.js: Functions related to note conversion.
  • oscHandlers.js: Functions to handle OSC messages.

Is this possible before I embark on what may be quite a big project...


Absoutely! I do the same thing as my OSC template has grown.

For example, here in the main.js custom module script. I'm exporting certain methods for OSC to read.

module.exports = {
  init: () => _init(),
  unload: () => _unload(),
  oscInFilter: (data) => _oscInFilter(data),
  oscOutFilter: (data) => _oscOutFilter(data),

I import them at the top of the main.js script like this

const { _init } = require("./oscFilters/init.js")
const { _oscInFilter } = require("./oscFilters/oscInFilter.js")
const { _oscOutFilter } = require("./oscFilters/oscOutFilter.js")
const { _unload } = require("./oscFilters/unload.js")

And then for example in the unload.js,

const _unload = () => {
// stuff here

module.exports = {


Great so does this mean if I've got a load of global variables, I can put them all in a separate globalVarables.js file an then just call that file in at the top of the myCustomModule.js file?

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Yes. This is what I do if it helps or gives you and idea to build upon.

In my main.js.

const { deleteGlobals, setGlobals } = require("./utils/globals.js")

app.on("open", async (data, client) => {
  await setGlobals()

In globals.js

const setGlobals = async () => {
 // set global clients to empty array
  global.clients = global.clients || []

// Cubase Globals
  global.cubase = {
    timecode: {
      primary: "",
      secondary: "",
    mixerChannels: {},
    storedMixerChannels: {},
    storedTotalChannels: 0,
    matrixQuantity: 0,
    emptyChannelCount: 0,
    mixerPanelScrollPosition: [0, 0],

module.exports = {

It could be better to set the globals manually though for default values in the init.js method so they are initialized rather than in the main.js on etc..

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Solved (previous posts deleted as they were not clear)

const config = {};
const functions = {};

fs.readdirSync(configDir).forEach(file => {
    if (file.endsWith('.js')) {
        const configPath = path.join(configDir, file);
        if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
            console.error(`ERROR: ${file} not found at`, configPath);
        const configData = nativeRequire(configPath);
        Object.assign(config, configData);
        Object.assign(functions, configData);

// Accessing configurations using helper functions
const getConfig = (path, defaultValue = undefined) => {
    return path.split('.').reduce((acc, part) => acc && acc[part], config) || defaultValue;

// Accessing functions using helper functions
const getFunction = (path, defaultValue = undefined) => {
    return path.split('.').reduce((acc, part) => acc && acc[part], functions) || defaultValue;

// Get functions using getFunction
let sendOSCCommand = getFunction('sendOSCCommand');
// let [Other function calls here]

//Access configurations using getConfig
const customModuleVer = getConfig('customModule.fullVersion');
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