You'd write @_{this} instead of @{this} here and #_{} instead of #{}, because as documented in the props property:
Advanced syntax blocks (@{}, OSC{}, JS{}, VAR{} and #{}) are resolved at the matrix' scope (ie @{this.variables} returns the matrix' variables property)
Advanced syntax blocks can be passed to children without being resolved at the matrix' scope by adding an underscore before the opening bracket.
It's a bit tricky to get these things right though with how all these strings are resolved so I recommend wrapping the whole props in a JS{} block to get something consistent:
// props property
// this JS block is evaluated by the matrix for each child
var props = {}
// #_ and @_ blocks will be evaluated by the children themselves
props.css = `#_{ @_{this} <= 0 "css_a" : "cssb"}` // backtick-quoted strings can span multiple lines and can contain single and double quotes
props.label = "i'm button n°" + $
// etc
return props
Note that this only works with the props property, other properties like css can't reach the matrix's children (although css can affect how they are rendered).
Uh, ok! That was a tricky one and a bit out of my "language" league, but thanks to your given directions I managed to get something I wanted.
Thank you so much and have a nice day!
If anyone is interested: the JS{} block in the props of a matrix fader for showing 2 different colors right and left to its origin point would look like this:
var props = {}
//fill in accordingly to your setup = yourTarget // e.g. "@_{scriptVariable}" = yourID // e.g. @{} + "/selection#" + ($)
props.address = yourAddress // e.g. "/" + @{} + "/selection#" + ($)
//change range to your needs
props.range = {"min":-0.35,"max":1}
props.origin = 0
//the tricky one, notice the backticks!
props.css =
`#_{ @_{this} <= 0 ?
":host { --color-widget: rgba(255,0,0,1); --alpha-fill-on: .4}"
":host { --color-widget: rgba(135,246,3,1); --alpha-fill-on: .4}" }`
//some additional styling = "compact"
props.horizontal = "true"
props.lineWidth = "1"
return props
Perfect! Thanks for the additional variation.
Although the JS{} in the props fits better to my needs, I am glad I somehow could help tracing a little bug.
Also, a little math can do no harm, right?!