Lack of Search in Project tree

I feature I really miss is a search tool in the Project tree window for searching IDs.
If I have a section with many widgets I need to search visually and that feels primitive and basic. Specially keeping in mind the general high level of features of the program. It’s like searching in microsoft word manually.
It makes quite difficult the management of complex projects that would be simplified a lot with a search box in the project tree window.


Good suggestion, I opened a ticket to remember it.

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Thanks! Im struggling now to find Ids as its quite time consuming find them after certain number, and distributed in several containers.

Complementary to this. We can go from the widget to his project tree location. But we can not go from the tree location of a widget to his location in the main project window.
A search function should allow localize the id in the project tree, and then if the user wants, jump in the project window to his location, for example double click.
Even if this function doesn’t work a search function would be useful .