There was a similar question for V 0, i will give it a similar try.
It would be nice if we could do more "nicer" knobs (and faders). For Button a SVG could be "hacked in".
There's no canvas widget in o-s-c, it would be nice but it's not likely to happen anytime soon. It may be possible however to build this kind of things using the html and css properties or with a svg widget.
ok, any minimal starting point would be nice (e.g. with html and css, so the knob would work as before). the knob itself is of type canvas, so my question about it
i got a little bit further, apart from the fact that i don't know how to add a variable for rotation(and how to calculate it -> -20 deg to 150 deg like the standard knob)...
transform: "rotate(" + var(--value) + "deg)";
(didn't work), i am not sure if the pointer events are correct here(so you can move it and it follows up correctly)
Don't understand how to do somekind of ring (or led ring) following the knob, like on the linked example
or here: