Is there a way to use Different OSC messages for different root tabs?

Hi There,

I am trying to create multiple tabs at root level, and have OSC messages assigned to each, but in debug I got

AddressL /root ......value: 0,1,2,3.....etc

Is there a way to make each tab have a different address e.g.:

root: 0 would be "/Menu1", root:1 would be "/Menu2" etc

could this also work 2-way ? so if the OSC messages coming back, would trigger that menu tab based on it's address ?

I'm not sure if I explained it correctly, but ask away if you need anything.



You need to write a custom module to do that kind of bidirectional routing (see also some examples). If only 1-way communication is needed you can use the root's script property to send arbitrary messages depending on the selected tab:

send('/Menu' + value) // Menu0, Menu1, etc