Intercepting and altering message from matrix


I have a matrix of custom sliders. I can see that the matrix is sending out messages in the form of:
/ child1.value

Is there any way that I can catch that message and reformat it to:
/ child1.value child2.value ...

Thanks in advance

I see know that the former above is the id. Still, I am curious if the latter is possible. Or if there is a way that a parent can detect a value change in a child.

It's possible with a matrix using its onValue property:

send('ip:port', '/address', ...value)

It doesn't work with regular panel widgets.

Thanks. The onValue in the matrix is not being triggered. Is that because the slider is in a fragment that is in a panel?

Yes it only works with the matrix' direct children. There's currently no other mechanism exposed for containers to catch their children's value changes.

Thanks you. Is there a way to override the onValue of widgets in the fragment from the parent matrix?

It should be possible with the props property:

var props = {} // overrides for matrix elements
props.props = {} // overrides for fragment content
props.props.onValue = `
console.log('slider ' + id + 'changed: ' + value)
return props

thank you kindly : )