Consider that I have 4 sliders next to each other, named S0, S1 ,S2 ,S3 in OSC. These sliders make a "page" of sliders. The client will receive the values of each slider for page 0 and then request to move to page 1. How can I rename the 4 sliders S4, S5, S6 and S7 ?
The idea would be to use a variable receiving or sending the page number : Slide_Name = "S"+( 4 * Page) + 0 ( or 1 , 2 , 3..).
Any hint please?
Thank you for help
If by renaming you mean changing the id property I don't think you should do that. You can can however define the sliders' address properties so that they depend on the state of a variable widget:
S#{ @{variable_widget_id} * 4 + 0 }
S#{ @{variable_widget_id} * 4 + 1 }
... and so on.
Or use the same logic to define the value of a text widget above each slider if that's how you want to display the "name" of your sliders.