Encoder widget expose angle position as locals variable like speeds?


It is possible to add a locals variable on the encoder widget that expose an absolute value like knob but that not stop at max value and restart to min for the next turn of encoder.

I mimic this on knob with script, but it doesn't work anymore since version 1.9.2 (knob stop at max) even if set value to 0 when max is reach to restart a turn.


This shouldn't be a problem :).

Thank you, just for why I need this is for create a jogwheel that work with VirtualDJ 8.

Below (from doc of Vdj) this is what I want to achieve:

If the jog wheel sends messages with its absolute position, you can define it with a <fulljog> element, with the following properties:
- cc: the MIDI cc
- ccmsb: (optional) the MIDI cc of the MSB (for 14-bit MIDI)
- inverted: (optional) set to "true" if the jog is inverted
- full: set to the number of steps sent while performing a full rotation (by default 128)
- max: (optional) specifies the value at which the jogwheel wraps
- mask: (optional) set a bitmask to apply to the cc value
- sendstatic: (optional) set to "true" if the wheel reports messages when it doesn't move and you want to receive them

If the jog wheel sends MIDI notes for forward and backward movement, you can define it using the following:
- note: the MIDI note for forward movement
- inverted: the MIDI note for reverse movement
- full: set to the number of steps sent while performing a full rotation (by default 128)
