Control values being skipped/repeated

The title basically says it all. I notice when logging fader values to the console, I'm seeing some values being repeated or even being skipped.

Say a fader has the following basic properties:


If I set sensitivity to 0.3, then values are not skipped, but they are repeated quite a bit.

EDIT: I guess a better way to explain it is that, when using the mouse, I would expect the cursor moving one pixel to equal +/- 1 change in value.

I would expect the cursor moving one pixel to equal +/- 1 change in value.

This would only work if the fader's course was exactly 128 pixels long and if there was a mouse event at each pixel which is not the case (the mouse events are emitted at a fixed rate, no matter how fast you move it).

Okay, I was just a little concerned about sending redundant MIDI data, but I suppose it's not a huge deal. Thanks for clearing that up!