Hey Jean,
I’ve figured out how to get the width of my screen to be auto responsive to my ipad but can’t figure out the height. I’ve tried 100%, 100rem, and tried messing with some css but perhaps I’m just not understanding or don’t have the correct combination. I’m using a strip as my container as you suggested.
Here is my code for the strip/first button:
"type": "strip",
"top": 0,
"left": "auto",
"id": "strip_4",
"linkId": "",
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"label": false,
"color": "auto",
"css": ":host {\n\n width: calc(100% - 100rem);\n height: calc(100% - 100rem);\n\n}",
"scroll": false,
"horizontal": false,
"stretch": false,
"border": true,
"spacing": 0,
"default": "",
"value": "",
"precision": 2,
"address": "/strip_4",
"preArgs": "",
"target": "",
"bypass": false,
"variables": "@{parent.variables}",
"widgets": [
"type": "strip",
"id": "strip_types_select2",
"label": false,
"height": 80,
"color": "auto",
"css": "",
"widgets": [
"type": "push",
"top": 70,
"left": 300,
"id": "push_100",
"linkId": "",
"width": "auto",
"height": "auto",
"label": "auto",
"color": "auto",
"css": "",
"doubleTap": false,
"on": 1,
"off": 0,
"norelease": false,
"value": "",
"precision": 2,
"address": "/control_sequence_100",
"preArgs": "",
"target": "midi:OpenStageControl",
"bypass": false
"horizontal": true,
"stretch": true,
"spacing": 0,
"variables": {},
"border": true,
"scroll": false,
"address": "/strip_types_select11",
"preArgs": [],
"linkId": "",
"default": "",
"value": "",
"precision": 0,
"target": [],
"bypass": false,
"left": "auto",
"top": "auto",
"width": "auto",
"tabs": []