Any way to disable prependArgs requirement for input, and only send on OSC out?

Hi! I'm using a collection of devices that all receive the same data set, but ideally send out the value with a different prepend argument. Right now the only way I can do that is to use a custom module to prepend the input array to match the prepend argument for the widget, but it's a bit of a hassle. Is there any way to use use the prepend arg for the OSC out, and not have it search for the prepend argument on OSC input?
Here's a video if that's unclear:

Also, thank you so much for answering my million questions.

You could either

  • use the script property to send the messages and the leave preArgs property empty
  • put an osc listener in the value property: OSC{@{this.address}, DEFAULT_VALUE, false}
  • use the osc listener's third argument that allows ignoring the widget's preArgs.

Hi Jean, the OSC Listener doesn't seem to work. Can you clarify? Here's what I'm doing, which is probably wrong.

A session file could help understanding your issue, the provided code worked for me.

I got it sorted using the script, but here's the session file.
tabs.json (79.7 KB)
custom-module.js (5.7 KB)

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Ok cool, I may have misunderstood the question, I think the relevant part about osc listeners was just that third argument that allows ignoring the widget's preArgs.

Ah missed that in the docs. Damn, that's a much easier solution ha.

Hi @datalooper i @
Nice to share your session files ! It helps everybody to learn a bit more.
So if you get a better solution, please post them !