Trigger button using OSC feedback from another computer

Ok, now it looks like the functionalty with the double triggering of fade has stopped...? (haven't removed script:false)

Could you have a look?
Thoren Arena Innebandyhall 1.1.json (554.8 KB)

There's an error in the console (ctrl+k), looks like you renamed your function.

Ah yes, it's fixed now... however the bug is still there... it performs double fade if i manually de-toggle a button. If i click another button and let the script de-toggle the previous button it works as intended (single fade), and if i let the timer runt out it also works as intended (single fade)

Thoren Arena Innebandyhall 1.1.json (554.9 KB)

The set() call in startTimer needs a {script: false} too.