Suggestion : midi device

just an idea : can you set up the midi target of devices at the root
and then be inherit by children devices, so we need to change the midi device or name simply have to change at the root.
Maybe using ‘auto’ as a value in target’s devices.

Simply set the server’s send option to midi:your_midi_device, all widgets will have it as an additional target automatically (can be bypassed with the ignoreDefaults property).

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Or, create a variable widget, set its value to midi:your_midi_device and use @{variable_id} in the widgets’ targets.

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works fine !
made some tests but only in the editor.

when selecting tab in my patch :
I have this message in the launcher :
(ERROR, MIDI) invalid address (/root)

That’s because this widget is not configured properly to send midi messages, hence the ignoreDefaults part of my answer. which needs to be applied to any widget that should not send midi (here, the root widget). My 2nd anwser may prove less error prone.

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I’m feeling noob, first solution works fine, but second made different try, but never working midi_variable.json (2.2 KB)

@{variable_1} returns the value of widget with id equal to variable_1, you’ve put midi:virtual_midi in its target instead of its value (but you could well write @{} ).

thank you, and thank you sublime text for the find replace all lol