Step debug source code

I’m trying to step debug into the server process. I hoped source maps were enough for VSCode but code doesn’t stop at any breakpoint I set inside src/server/index.js or whatsoever.

I’ve tried to configure launch.json to run the app directly from source (pointing to /src/server/ folder) but it fails since some require imports expect to be run from the app (built) folder.

Do you have hints for a propoer launch.json?

There is probably a way to tell the debugger to run the bundled script (app/server/open-stage-control-server.js) while debugging the sources (which the sourcemap file points toward). I don’t use VSCode and rarely use the node debugger, but I’ll let you know if I find something.

Thanks @jean-emmanuel. I’m curious to know which approach you adopt for debugging the Electron/Node.js side lf your application.

I’m more a print/log guy, but I guess it’s easier when the program’s structure is familiar :slight_smile: