Set matrix nested value with /EDIT in one call

Hi everybody, it’s been two days I’ve been struggling with this point :
How to set nested values for a whole matrix of matrices of buttons in one OSC call instead of sending each OSC message for each button of the submatrices ?


I’d like to a cleaner syntax like this (example) :
/EDIT myMatrix { “value”: [ [0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1] ] }

Instead of :
/EDIT myMatrix/0/0 {“value”: 0}
/EDIT myMatrix/0/1 {“value”: 1}

I’ve tried to rely on a post of Jean Emmanuel somewhere here describing the “value” property of a matrix as an array of values for each element but I couldn’t make it work, even with a one dimensional matrix (1 matrix of 2 buttons for testing).

If you know the solution I’d love to have it for 2 levels of nesting.

Thanks for your help in advance

Send the value bundle to a script widget and dispatch the values from here.

// assuming received value is a JSON nested array
// "[[0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1]]"
// (sending nested arrays in osc without using a string format like JSON is unlikely to be possible 
var values = JSON.parse(value)
for (var i in values) {
  for (var j in values[i]) {
    set('myMatrix/' + i + '/' + j, values[i][j])

Smart workaround, thank you so much ! :raised_hands: