Save "memorize" to file via CC

For example ,I have some faders/program change/on-off buttons in one panel (and I have 10 panels)
After I modify parameters from this panel , I memorize (I found the .json here,and many thanks for that)
The problem is this "memorize" is in RAM , only in this session. After restart...dissapear. I want to be forever .
The question is : Can "memorize" in one file ? FOr example when I press memorize,to save in specific file,and when I "Call Back" to load the specific file.....and to do that for every panel .In conclusion for 10 panes,I must have 10 files to save/load .
I upload the memorize script,maybe somebody kow if is possible to do that :slight_smile: . Thank you !

setGetState.json (14.7 KB)

I believe this question has been more or less covered here : Storing / Loading States :D

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I'm afraid I can't provide a programming-free anwser, it is required to learn some javascript to take open stage control in these territories, there's only so much features that can be made easily available out of the box given the time I can spend on this project, I can provide starting points, try to explain the unclear bits, and help debugging a little but the rest is left to the users hands.

The critical part of the example I gave is the custom module (see docs), it ought to be loaded using the server's custom-module option, that's where the state file is specified.