Osc listeners examples?

Bonjour Jean-Emmanuel,

Aurais-tu un exemple d’utilisation de cette fonctionnalité ? Je ne comprends pas à quoi elle sert ni où l’utiliser ?
Merci pour une éventuelle piste.

Voilà un example simple: un bouton avec OSC{color, auto} dans la propriété colorWidget peut voir cette propriété modifiée directement par un message osc envoyé sur l’adresse /bouton_1/color (en admettant que l’adresse du bouton soit /bouton_1).

Thanks for your answer,

i manage to use it with a leading / which shows the interest of these osc listeners.
So a little example to colorize buttons via the osc address /truc

oscListenersExample.json (4.4 KB)

The main interest of this syntax is to be able to control a property with osc messages coming from outside (or from a custom module), your example would be better solved with a simple @{} block.

yes of course but for the purpose of the example O-S-C sends to himself.

An example o-s-c message from sonicpi

As of beta 8, it’s possible to use a “variable” widget (“scripts” category) for the same purpose (receive a value) and use it in a property (with @{}) or in a script (with get()). This solution may offer more flexibility than the OSC{} syntax.

ok !

Is it possible to use this also for updating fader value's?

If you're talking about the OSC{} syntax, yes it's possible (by using this syntax to define th "value" property), but it doesn't make much sense because you can already change any widget's value by send a message to its address (see "receiving messages" @ General mechanics - Open Stage Control).

hi jean i posted an new topic to further explain what I'm trying to achieve here