No MIDI activity in Cubase

Here you go. I'm on 10.15.7 running Cubase 11.0.41.

Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 9.06.04 AM

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Ok. Settings are fine. I'm also on Catalina 10.15.7.

In Cubase, do the following:

1 ) Make sure the Transport Panel is open.

2 ) When you operate the widget, you should see some feedback in the MIDI Out Activity section of the Transport Panel (see picture below).


3 ) If you don't see any MIDI activity, I suspect there's a network connection problem (please, believe me!). Connect to on the same computer running the server. Operate the widget and check for MIDI signal in Cubase (you might need to resize and reposition the Project Window in Cubase and the Internet Browser window you're using).

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Should that address be in the "send" field in the server? If so it's still not working. That address timed out in Chrome and Firefox as well.

I can operate the button in OSC with the mouse but still no midi activity.

FWIW I booted up Cubase 10 on an old computer and OSC couldn't connect to that either.

Sorry. I meant 127 (not 107).

From the same computer running the server and Cubase?

Correct. The browser method doesn't work either.

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Did you try using 8080 instead of 5000?

Yup, still nothing.

Try pasting the following line in the MIDI field of the server's configuration form (by replacing):
list "OSC:OSC,OSC" path=/usr/local/bin/python3

Here that is

I get (ERROR, MIDI) python-rtmidi not found (or wrong version) (running with python 3.10.2). Plus I don't believe python is needed in v1.15.5.

Yet MIDI signals have no effect in Cubase...

To completely troubleshoot this issue, I would try installing Python. Your choice.

Installed. Now I'm getting this message. (ERROR, MIDI) python-rtmidi not found (or wrong version) (running with python 3.7.0)

Try executing this line in the terminal:
pip install python-rtmidi

zsh: command not found: pip

No need to install manually python-rtmidi if you use the mac install program.

Do not use the python= option, it's not necessary and will only make things more complicated.

As I said above, @SimonFMP has shown his open stage control setup is fine and well capable of sending midi, changing the part that works will not help solving the issue.

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It seems that you need some dependencies... Let's try something else:

  1. Access the link below and download to your desktop the first zip file.
    setuptools ยท PyPI

  2. Double click the zip you downloaded to extract the contents of it. Inside the extracted folder you'll find a file called We need to install it. Open a terminal and paste the following line (you'll be asked to type your password):
    sudo python ~/Desktop/setuptools-0.9.8/

  1. To install python-rtmidi, type (in terminal):
    sudo easy_install python-rtmidi

  2. After the installation of python-rtmidi completes, check to see if there were any errors. If not, open O-S-C and see if you still get this error:
    (ERROR, MIDI) python-rtmidi not found (or wrong version) (running with python 3.7.0)

What other solutions are there?

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The gangs all here!

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Is it safe to say that we've gone as far as we can on the OSC troubleshooting front?

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Just to sum up:

  • on mac, creating virtual ports directly in open stage control is better and simpler, no need to use IAC [done]
  • the server's debug option can help seeing what's sent by open stage control [done]
  • MIDI Monitor can be used to confirm the message are sent and can be received [done]
  • now you have to troubleshoot the receiving end (wrong midi channel ? conflict between generic remotes ? hard to guess here since I don't use these softwares). Maybe try using a different control surface software if you can, or even a hardware controller, it could help pinpointing the issue.

Sidenote: you don't need to write anything in the server's send option, especially not something like, since that would only route osc messages from open stage control to itself (if its port is 8080), besides you seem to be interested in sending midi only (not osc).

Edit: I hope this doesn't come out too harsh, just trying to prevent the topic from going in all directions at the same time.