Get feedback from ableton

How can i get color feedback from ableton?
i want to create a custom clip launcher (like the akai apc mini mk2) so i need to take the color from the clip in ableton and have button with the same color, how can i do that?
I don't know how to get feedback values from ableton, and i didn't find anything useful on internet...
something like this:

sorry for my english

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@rimasinc might help :slight_smile:

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You need a python midi remote script with OSC support. I particularly recommend 2 options:

Clyphx Pro: is a python interpreter that lets you create simplified scripts for any action in Ableton Live, including getting visual feedback on anything like names and colors of tracks and clips for both MIDI and OSC. Clyphx Pro supports OSC ([Beta] OSC Output from ClyphX Pro | nativeKONTROL Forum). I developed the TOCA Osc & MIDI you found in the video using Clyphx Pro and Open Stage Control. One catch is that Clyphx Pro is paid. Because it was developed with Open Stage Control, TOCA can work like modeling clay... A case study.

AbletonOSC: is a MIDI remote script that provides an Open Sound Control (OSC) interface to control Ableton Live 11. In this case you need to know a little bit of Python. It's free: GitHub - ideoforms/AbletonOSC: MIDI remote script to control Ableton Live 11 via Open Sound Control (OSC)

To develop scripts for Ableton you need to have 2 things as a source of research:

LOM (Live Object Model): LOM - The Live Object Model - Max 8 Documentation

Live 11 API:

To get the color of the clips you need to create a python script that has a specific element in the syntax, in this case:[track_number].clip_slots[clip_number].clip.color

track_number and clip_number can refer to a specific track and clip or all tracks and clips (it will depend on the level you want to reach)... This is where python comes into play for you to put into practice what you have in mind .

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Thank you so much!
Very helpful and exhaustive!

I only coded some c++ in highschool so I'm not a programmer but i will try something.
Again thank you so much, wish you all a great day

Hi, there's also Remotify to build your own remote scripts for Ableton Live.