Error on session loading

Hello again, hope you're doing well.

I'm getting this error on session loading (it's a huge one) and I have no clue what's causing it.
I'll try posting the errors and what part of the code they relate to.

This is what is shown in OSC console:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '0')
at this.widget.classList.remove (src/client/widgets/frames/frame.js:74:17)
at this.widget.classList.remove (src/client/widgets/frames/frame.js:74:17)

In the devTools console, the error points to this line of the code of the panel.js file:

    setScroll(x, y) {
        if (x !== undefined) this.widget.scrollLeft = this.scroll[0] = x //this line gets the error
        if (y !== undefined) this.widget.scrollTop = this.scroll[1] = y

OSC version 1.15.1

Thanks for the help in advance!

Can you copy the entire error from the devTool ? The osc console error seems off.

They appear twice in the console, but I think they're pretty much the same:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '0')
    at Panel.setScroll (:8181/client/open-stage-control-client.js?version=1.15.1:2594)
    at :8181/client/open-stage-control-client.js?version=1.15.1:2594
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '0')
    at Panel.setScroll (panel.js:315)
    at panel.js:299

That helped, it should be fixed in next release.


Thank you very much!