Error in the console - multixy widget

I often get (but not always) this error in my project :

(ERROR, CLIENT) Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'clearRect' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': 4 arguments required, but only 2 present.
at this.ctx.clearRect (src/client/widgets/common/canvas.js:155:21)
at draw (src/client/widgets/pads/multixy.js:218:13)
at flush (src/client/widgets/common/queue.js:37:26)
at requestAnimationFrame (src/client/widgets/common/queue.js:59:17)

it seems to be related with the canvas of multixy widget as it happens when I move a point on the multixy pad.
Is it a bug ?
I'm using O-S-C version 1.13.2

It's a bug indeed, related to the ephemeral property, to be fixed in next version.

Thanks for the answer. At least I know my code is not the problem!