Hello ,
I have the following message when I copy/clone a panel.
This one contains a lot of objects.
(ERROR, CLIENT) Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at has.call (src/client/events/event-emitter.js:25:16)
a bug ?
Hello ,
I have the following message when I copy/clone a panel.
This one contains a lot of objects.
(ERROR, CLIENT) Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at has.call (src/client/events/event-emitter.js:25:16)
a bug ?
It could be. Make sure you're not creating a circular clone (a clone that duplicates its parent), and if not, please upload a minimal session to demonstrate the issue.
launchpad 12x12.json (389.1 KB)
I want to clone the panel "Clip_control" from 9 to 12 tracks.
ERROR, CLIENT) Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at customEvents={};setTimeout(()=>{customEvents.draginit=customEvents.drag=customEvents.dragend=require("./drag"),customEvents.resize=require("./resize"),customEvents.wheel=require("./dom-event")("wheel"),customEvents.scroll=require("./dom-event")("scroll",{capture:!0}),customEvents.click=require("./dom-
with the version 1.14.5
How are you trying to clone it exactly ? I'm not having any issue unless I create the clone inside the "Clip_control" container which is precisely a case of circular cloning.
My bad
I clone track 8 to track 9, and etc... and it works.
Thank you
I don't think you should make a clone of a clone, you can safely clone the original panel, just make sure to not put next to the panel, not inside it.
In next version, the error will be prevented with an explanation message in the console.