Dynamic Articulation Switching

Ok, so I think I'm beginning to understand what you mean.

I believe that this Joni that you're talking about uses a Mackie remote to send selected track information to O-S-C.

Example (notice the name of different tracks appear in the header—proof that name of tracks can be sent through MIDI).


I don't know exactly how this information gets sent through MIDI to O-S-C (when you select a track) or how you could implement this Mackie session fragment in your own O-S-C session ("template"), but based on this information (e. g. name of the selected track), you can create IF statements to show different UI elements in O-S-C.

If statement example (not javascript):

if name of track contains "Spitfire" then
activate UI setting 1
show no elements in the three columns

About the second question, all I can say is that articulations need to be manually created and mapped. There's no way to send available articulations (for a MIDI track) to the outside world. You need to create the connections yourself. Track this topic, in case such a feature has been added without me knowing about it.

Maybe could create an articulation database in O-S-C and based on the selected track, have the corresponding articulations show up in the right column...

Sorry I couldn't give you more information...

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