Convert sysex to ascii

hello all

i converted some sysex to ascii and have the following problem:

this unicode \u002 thing generates a space and sometimes cuts the text at that point. it behaves not always the same. but every conversion has it.

this is the code i use:

var input  = args[0].value.split(' ').splice(9, 27); //HEX => make  array (substrings), cut out what we need and back to one string
			input = input.join(" ");
			//HEX to ASCII
			var trackname = '';
			for (var n = 0; n < input.length; n += 3) {
			trackname += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(input.substr(n, 2), 16));


any help is much appreciated.


i had to remove "-" in the track name and filter out the '02' in the sysex. :roll_eyes: