Execution of script

the script is called every time i change the origin fader value

If the script is executed then it receives a value, either from

  • a same-id sync
  • a linkId sync
  • an update in its value property
  • an osc message

Did you write your code in the script property ?

Here is a recent topic on how scripts are executed that might help too: Example of script triggered by value rather than by LinkId? - #2 by jean-emmanuel

Morevore i meet some troubles to use a variable in a widget name, i would like to use a ‘for loop’ but i didn’t manage to interpret a variable in the container @{} what is the syntax for using variable inside it for exemple what would be the syntax if would like to use i variable in @{widget_i_exampe}.

You can't do that, @{} calls are resolved to variables before the script is parsed, a get(id) function would be nice, I'll add that .